GREENFINGERS… the Alan Titchmarsh column

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June 28, 2023
Tips For Travelling On Holiday & Looking After Your Body
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Keep British flower producers blooming.
June 28, 2023

GREENFINGERS… the Alan Titchmarsh column

He’s a brilliant presenter, accomplished gardener, talented novelist, and all-round horticultural inspiration. This month, Alan Titchmarsh discusses the holy grail of ensuring flowers and plants flourish to their full potential – soil quality!


I get asked a lot what the best way to bolster soil quality is, and the truth is there are a variety of methods. Naturally, keeping soil well-watered is important, and remember to water deeply, keeping the soil light and uncompacted.


To enrich the soil, add organic matter. Compost, obviously, is key, with well-rotted manure. This helps with boosting drainage, adding fertility, and encouraging beneficial microorganisms.


In a similar way, if you’re looking to capitalise on what’s already in the soil, consider the benefit of crop rotation, and the fact that plants or flowers can feed off the nutrients left behind from whatever was present before.


Changing the location of specific plant families each year also helps to prevent the build-up of pests and diseases, and maintains soil fertility.


Finally, it’s always worth applying a layer of mulch – such as wood chips or straw – around plants. It helps to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, regulates soil temperature, and adds organic matter to the soil. It also looks good!


To determine how good your soil is, or isn’t, why not invest in a soil-testing kit? This will help you determine the soil’s pH and nutrient levels, and with that information you can construct an accurate plan for amendments to improvements to your soil quality.

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