1st Downley Guides | | 01494 449215 | | |
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Beavers (6-8 years) | Fiona Turner | 01844 273406 | | prscouts@hotmail.co.uk |
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Cubs (8-10½ years) | Leela Goddard | 01844 274251 | | prscouts@hotmail.co.uk |
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Explorer Scouts (14½-18 years) | Graham Heald | 07545 784816 | | prscouts@hotmail.co.uk |
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Scouts (10½ - 14½ years) | Alan Burniston | 07711 606947 | | prscouts@hotmail.co.uk |
2nd Downley Guides | | 01494 530736 | | |
2nd Stokenchurch Brownies (Wed) | | 01494 485178 | | |
Adult Education (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 482822 | | |
Bisham Concert Band | | 01494 482422 | | |
Bledlow Ridge Horticultural Society | | 01494 481474 | | |
Bledlow Village Cricket Club | Stephen Walker | 01844 346912 | http://www.bledlowvillagecc.co.uk | |
Bridge Club (Lane End) | | 01628 522439 | | |
Cadmore End Cricket Club | | 01494 882486 | | |
Cadmore End Village Hall (Bookings) | | 01494 881735 / 07917 573083 | | |
Camera Club (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 482886 | | |
Chess | Chinnor Mike Turton | 07877 897939 | | |
Chinnor and Princes Risborough Railway | | 01844 353535 | http://www.chinnorrailway.co.uk | enquiries@chinnorrailway.co.uk |
Chinnor Windmill | | | http://www.chinnor-windmill.blogspot.com | |
Churches Together in Risborough | | 01844 275855 | http://www.risboroughchurches.org.uk | |
Community Bus (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 485839 | | |
Conservation Group (Lane End) | | 01494 882938 | | |
Cricket Club (Stokenchurch) | | 01491 638636 | | |
Crimestoppers | | 0800 555111 | | |
Cross Keys Surgery | | 01844 344488 | | |
Cubs (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 882416 | | |
Cuttle Brook Conservation Voluteers (CBCV) | Elaine Aldridge | 01844 292307 | http://www.cuttlebrook.org.uk | |
Dance Club (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 483435 | | |
Dovecote Day Centre | | 07827 235425 | | |
Downley Bridge Club | Panny Hancox | 01494 440892 | | |
Downley Community Centre | | 07580 953181 | | |
Downley Village Evening WI | | 01494 535998 | | |
Elim Church @ Risborough | | 01844 275822 | http://www.elimrisborough.org.uk | |
Forget Me Knot Café | Michelle | 01844 353154/0779732097 | http://www.facebook.com/forgetmeknotcafe | info@holisticmassage.co.uk |
Four Ends Flower Club | | 01494 482724 | | carol.wheeler1@gmail.com |
Frieth Village Hall | | 01494 881176 | | |
Guides (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 483426 | | |
Haddenham Pop Choir | Ian English | 01844 261171 | | |
Hambleden Community Market | Jo Flowers | 01491 637827/07951 278706 | | jo@dovecote.vnworks.net |
Hambleden Valley Garden Club | Celia Warren | 01491 638691 | | rcwarren@btinternet.com |
High Wycombe Croquet Club | | 01494 858202 | http://www.hwcroquetclub.com | enquiries@hwcroquetclub.com |
High Wycombe Shopmobility | | 01494 472277 | | |
Highways on call | | 0845 2302882 | | |
Horsenden Tennis Club | Karen William Membership Secretary | 07783 434665 | http://www.horsendenltc.com | info@horsendenltc.com |
Ibstone Parish Council | | | http://www.ibstone.org.uk | |
Ibstone Women’s Institute | | 01491 638245 | | |
Judo Club (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 483817 | | |
Kimble & Ellesboro’ Hort. Society | Brian Butler (Chairman): | | | butler@care4free.net |
Kites Club Ibstone | | 07919 83491 | | |
Lacey Green Windmill | | 01844 275871 | http://www.laceygreenwindmill.org.uk | |
Lane End Bridge Club | Sheila Davies | 01628 522439 | | |
Lane End Evening WI | Anne Carter | 01494 881987 | | |
Lane End OPAG - 50+ | Jane Osborn | | | janemosborn3@gmail.com |
Lane End Pharmacy | | 01494 880774 | | |
Lane End Players | | 01494 880662 | http://www.laneendplayers.com | boxoffice@laneendplayers.com |
Lane End Primary School & Nursery | | 01494 881169 | | |
Lane End Surgery | | 01494 881209 | | |
Lane End Village Hall | | 01494 881913 | | |
Lane End Youth and Community Centre | Emma Savory | 01494 883878 | http://www.leycc.co.uk | leycc@hotmail.co.uk |
Library (Stokenchurch) | | 0845 2303232 | | |
Local Carers' Support and Information Group | Jenny/Victoria | 01491 638245/01494 483352 | | |
Long Crendon Day Centre (The Harmony Club) | | 01844 208508 | | |
Mary Towerton School | | 01494 482384 | | |
Medical Centre (Stokenchurch) | | 08445 769633 | | |
Monks Risborough Horticultural Society | Anne Maltby | 01844 344318 | http://www.bucksvoice.net/MRHS | |
Monks Risborough W.I. | | 01844 346345 | | |
Over Sixties Stokenchurch | Peter Lipman | 01494 483523 | | |
Oxfordshire Skills & Learning Service | Carole Lushington | 07766 367904 | | |
Parish Council (Lane End) | | 01494 437111 | | |
Parish Council Office (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 482403 | | |
Piddington & Wheeler End Parish Council | | 01494 448048 | | |
Piddington and District Village Hall | | 01494 882796 | | |
Police (non emergency) | | 101 | | |
Pre-School (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 482822 | | |
Princes Risborough & District U3A | | 01844 275152 | http://www.risboroughu3a.org.uk | |
Princes Risborough Afternoon W.I. | | 01844 345653 | | |
Princes Risborough Baptist Church | | 01844 274499 | prbaptist@btconnect.com | |
Princes Risborough Bowls Club | Simon Hill, Hon Sec | 01844 345423 | princesrisboroughbowlsclub.co.uk | d.behenna@btinternet.com |
Princes Risborough Country Market | | 01844 347230 | http://www.buckscountrymarkets.co.uk | |
Princes Risborough Cricket Club | | 01844 347693 | http://www.prcc.org.uk | |
Princes Risborough Information Centre | | 01844 274795 | | |
Princes Risborough Methodist Church | Minister: Rev. Keith Edwards / Hall Lettings | 01296 488963 / 01844 344705 | | |
Princes Risborough Monday Art Group | Libby James | 01844 342782 | | libjames@hotmail.co.uk |
Princes Risborough Morning W.I. | Sue Rodwell | 01844 344246 | | |
Princes Risborough Music Society | Brenda Willett | 01844 343487 | http://www.princesrisboroughmusicsociety.com | |
Princes Risborough Photographic Society | | 01844 345616 / 01844 342988 | | |
Princes Risborough Table Tennie Group | | 01494 562647 | | k.maynard627@btinternet.com |
Princes Risborough Tennis Club | Membership Secretary Stuart Lindsay | 0789 005 0698 | http://www.prltc.com | stuartm.lindsay@gmail.com |
Princes Risborough Town Council | | | http://www.princesrisborough.com | towncouncil@princesrisborough.com |
Princes Risborough U3A Bridge Group | Tony Molesworth | 01844 344975 | | |
Princes Risborough Youth Center | | 01844 344807 | | youth@buckscc.gov.uk |
Princes Risbourough Netball Club | | 01844 350400 | | |
Rendezvous Mother & Toddler | | 01494 484152 | | |
Risboro’ & District Bridge Club | | 01844 344264 | | barbara.oates123@btinternet.com |
Risborough & District Bridge Club | | 01844 344264 | | barbara.oates123@btinternet.com |
Risborough & District Model Railway Club | Paul Wright | 01844 275748 | http://www.rdmrc.org.uk | chairman@rdmrc.org.uk |
Risborough Area Business Group (RABG) | | | | chairman@rabg.org.uk / rabg.org.uk |
Risborough Area Community Bus | Georgina | 07941 963097 | http://www.racb.co.uk | |
Risborough Area Forum (FAF) | | | | maureenjudd26@btinternet.com |
Risborough Area Partnership | | | http://www.risboroughareapartnership.org | risboroughaction@googlemail.com |
Risborough Area Residents Association (RARA) | | | | tonydavies9@hotmail.com |
Risborough Community Association | | 01844 342460 | | |
Risborough Community Centre | | 01844 343287 | | |
Risborough Countryside Group | | 01844 274865 | | francisgomme@aol.com |
Risborough Good Neighbours | | 01844 342600 | | |
Risborough Rangers Football Club | Richard Woodward (Chairman) / Steve Burnett (Press/Publicity Officer) / Sally George (PR Officer) | 01844 342202 / 07546 538263 / 07871 038128 | | http://www.risboroughrangers.com |
Risborough Rangers Junior Football Club | Mick Baxter | 07984 325168 | http://www.risboroughrangersjfc.co.uk | |
Risborough RFC | | | http://www.risborough-rfc.com | enquires@risborough-rfc.com |
Risborough Wine Club | Alex DeWitt | 07478 394 186 | | risboroughwine@gmail.com |
Rotary Club of Princes Risborough | | | http://www.rcpr.org.uk | |
Royal British Legion Lane End | | 01494 881436 | | |
Saint Dunstan’s Church | Rev. James Tomkins | 01844 275944 | http://www.stdunstanschurch.com | jamestomkins@btinternet.com |
Scouts (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 482243 | | |
South Bucks Art Group | Lo Smith | 01494 881147 | | lorrainesmaith00@gmail.com |
Squash & Racketball Club (Watlington) | | 01844 351325 | | |
St Mary’s Church | | 01844 273300 | | parishoffice@stmarysrisborough.org.uk |
Stokenchurch Community Library | | | | committee.scl@gmail.com |
Stokenchurch Community Transport | Melanie | 01494 482009 | | |
Stokenchurch & Hambleden Valley Children's Centre | | 01494 483140 | | |
Stokenchurch Day Centre | Alan Purslow | 07518 738761 | | |
Stokenchurch Dental | | 07946 206364 | | stokenchurchdental@gmail.com |
Stokenchurch Educational Charity | | | | sec.StokEd@gmail.com |
Stokenchurch Memorial club | | 01494 482260 | | |
Stokenchurch Rainbows | | 01494 485178 | | |
Stokenchurch Women's Institute | Christine Day | 01494 482888 | | |
STOPAG (Stokenchurch) | Joan | 01494 483033 | | |
TCC2 | | 01844 292088 / 215680 | http://www.tcc2.org | |
Thame & District Day Centre | | 01844 212080 | http://www.thameanddistrictdaycentre.co.uk | |
Thame & District Lions Club | | 07930 403695 | | |
Thame & Wheatley Ramblers | | 01844 213608 | http://www.ramblers-oxon.org.uk | |
Thame Badminton Club | Rob Sutton / Jacqui Williams | 01865 890580 / 01296 747951 | | |
Thame Belles WI | | | http://thamebelleswi.wix.com/belles | |
Thame Chamber Choir | Peter Smith | 01844 212900 | http://www.thamechamberchoir.org | info@thamchamberchoir.org |
Thame Choral Society | | | http://www.thamechoralsociety.co.uk | |
Thame Concert Band | | | http://www.thameconcertband.org.uk | |
Thame Digital Camera Club | | | http://www.thamedigitalcameraclub.co.uk | |
Thame Duellists Fencing Club | James Kingston | 07947 049511 | | |
Thame Flower Club | Margaret Fisher | | | manda@jafisher.com |
Thame Historical Society | Mrs Rosalie Gibson | 01844 213948 | http://www.thamehistoricalsociety.org.uk | |
Thame Museum | | 01844 212801 | http://www.thamemuseum.org | |
Thame Museum Metal Detecting Club | | | | juliabailey77@tiscali.co.uk |
Thame National Womens Register | | 01296 614699 | http://www.nwr.org.uk | |
Thame Players Theatre Company Ltd | | 01844 217228 | http://www.thameplayers.co.uk | |
Thame Pop Choir | Ian English | 01844 261171 | http://www.thamepopchoir.org.uk | |
Thame Sinaia Friendship Association | | 01844 215178 / 07764 854949 | http://www.facebook.com/thamesinaia | |
Thame Speakers Club | | 01844 358189 | http://www.thamespeakers.co.uk | |
Thame Women’s Institute | Judy Dudley | 01844 260131 | http://www.thamewi.webs.com | |
The Chilterns Art Group | | 01844 216882 | | |
The Community Centre Studley Green | Jan Eedle-Wells | 01494 882041 | http://www.cc-sg.org.uk | |
The Greatest Hits Choir | Carol Canning | | http://www.greatesthitschoir.co.uk | |
The Princes Risborough Heritage Society | | 01844 347511 | | mpayne233@btopenworld.com |
The Rotary Club of Thame | | | http://www.thame.rotaryweb.org | |
Towerhouse Surgery | | 01494 526840 | | |
Tuesday Luncheon Club Lane End | | 01494 881261 | | |
Watlington Gardening Club | | | | watlingtongardeningclub@livewell.oxfordshire.gov.uk |
Wellington House Surgery | | 01844 344281 | | |
West Wycombe Combined School | | 01494 523318 | | |
West Wycombe Parish Council | | 01494 448048 | | |
Whitecross Scottish Country Dancers | | 01494 444537 | | |
Wine and Beer Circle (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 484159 | | |
Women’s Institute (Stokenchurch) | | 01494 483272 | | |
Women’s Institute (West Wycombe) | | 01494 881049 | | |
Youth Club (Lane End) | | 01494 452226 | | |