Club / GroupContactTelephoneWebsiteEmail
1st Downley Guides01494 449215
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Beavers (6-8 years)Fiona Turner01844
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Cubs (8-10½ years) Leela Goddard01844
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Explorer Scouts (14½-18 years)Graham Heald07545
1st Princes Risborough Scout Group Scouts (10½ - 14½ years)Alan Burniston07711
2nd Downley Guides01494 530736
2nd Stokenchurch Brownies (Wed)01494 485178
Adult Education (Stokenchurch)01494 482822
Bisham Concert Band01494 482422
Bledlow Ridge Horticultural Society01494 481474
Bledlow Village Cricket ClubStephen Walker01844 346912
Bridge Club (Lane End)01628 522439
Cadmore End Cricket Club01494 882486
Cadmore End Village Hall (Bookings)01494 881735 / 07917 573083
Camera Club (Stokenchurch)01494 482886
ChessChinnor Mike Turton07877 897939
Chinnor and Princes Risborough Railway01844 353535
Chinnor Windmill
Churches Together in Risborough01844 275855
Community Bus (Stokenchurch)01494 485839
Conservation Group (Lane End)01494 882938
Cricket Club (Stokenchurch)01491 638636
Crimestoppers0800 555111
Cross Keys Surgery01844 344488
Cubs (Stokenchurch)01494 882416
Cuttle Brook Conservation Voluteers (CBCV)Elaine Aldridge01844 292307
Dance Club (Stokenchurch)01494 483435
Dovecote Day Centre07827 235425
Downley Bridge ClubPanny Hancox01494 440892
Downley Community Centre07580 953181
Downley Village Evening WI01494 535998
Elim Church @ Risborough01844 275822
Forget Me Knot CaféMichelle01844 353154/0779732097
Four Ends Flower Club01494
Frieth Village Hall01494 881176
Guides (Stokenchurch)01494 483426
Haddenham Pop ChoirIan English01844 261171
Hambleden Community MarketJo Flowers01491 637827/07951
Hambleden Valley Garden ClubCelia Warren01491
High Wycombe Croquet Club01494 858202
High Wycombe Shopmobility01494 472277
Highways on call0845 2302882
Horsenden Tennis ClubKaren William Membership Secretary07783 434665
Ibstone Parish Council
Ibstone Women’s Institute01491 638245
Judo Club (Stokenchurch)01494 483817
Kimble & Ellesboro’ Hort. SocietyBrian Butler (Chairman)
Kites Club Ibstone07919 83491
Lacey Green Windmill01844 275871
Lane End Bridge ClubSheila Davies01628 522439
Lane End Evening WIAnne Carter01494 881987
Lane End OPAG - 50+Jane
Lane End Pharmacy01494 880774
Lane End Players01494 880662
Lane End Primary School & Nursery01494 881169
Lane End Surgery01494 881209
Lane End Village Hall01494 881913
Lane End Youth and Community CentreEmma Savory01494 883878
Library (Stokenchurch)0845 2303232
Local Carers' Support and Information GroupJenny/Victoria01491 638245/01494 483352
Long Crendon Day Centre (The Harmony Club)01844 208508
Mary Towerton School01494 482384
Medical Centre (Stokenchurch)08445 769633
Monks Risborough Horticultural SocietyAnne Maltby01844 344318
Monks Risborough W.I.01844 346345
Over Sixties StokenchurchPeter Lipman01494 483523
Oxfordshire Skills & Learning ServiceCarole Lushington07766 367904
Parish Council (Lane End)01494 437111
Parish Council Office (Stokenchurch)01494 482403
Piddington & Wheeler End Parish Council01494 448048
Piddington and District Village Hall01494 882796
Police (non emergency)101
Pre-School (Stokenchurch)01494 482822
Princes Risborough & District U3A01844 275152
Princes Risborough Afternoon W.I.01844 345653
Princes Risborough Baptist Church01844
Princes Risborough Bowls ClubSimon Hill, Hon Sec01844
Princes Risborough Country Market01844 347230
Princes Risborough Cricket Club01844 347693
Princes Risborough Information Centre01844 274795
Princes Risborough Methodist ChurchMinister: Rev. Keith Edwards / Hall Lettings01296 488963 / 01844 344705
Princes Risborough Monday Art GroupLibby James01844
Princes Risborough Morning W.I.Sue Rodwell01844 344246
Princes Risborough Music SocietyBrenda Willett01844 343487
Princes Risborough Photographic Society01844 345616 / 01844 342988
Princes Risborough Table Tennie Group01494
Princes Risborough Tennis ClubMembership Secretary Stuart Lindsay0789 005 0698
Princes Risborough Town Council
Princes Risborough U3A Bridge GroupTony Molesworth01844 344975
Princes Risborough Youth Center01844
Princes Risbourough Netball Club01844 350400
Rendezvous Mother & Toddler01494 484152
Risboro’ & District Bridge Club01844
Risborough & District Bridge Club01844
Risborough & District Model Railway ClubPaul Wright01844 275748
Risborough Area Business Group (RABG) /
Risborough Area Community BusGeorgina07941 963097
Risborough Area Forum (FAF)
Risborough Area Partnership
Risborough Area Residents Association (RARA)
Risborough Community Association01844 342460
Risborough Community Centre01844 343287
Risborough Countryside Group01844
Risborough Good Neighbours01844 342600
Risborough Rangers Football ClubRichard Woodward (Chairman) / Steve Burnett (Press/Publicity Officer) / Sally George (PR Officer)01844 342202 / 07546 538263 / 07871 038128
Risborough Rangers Junior Football ClubMick Baxter07984 325168
Risborough RFC
Risborough Wine ClubAlex DeWitt07478 394
Rotary Club of Princes Risborough
Royal British Legion Lane End01494 881436
Saint Dunstan’s ChurchRev. James Tomkins01844 275944
Scouts (Stokenchurch)01494 482243
South Bucks Art GroupLo Smith01494
Squash & Racketball Club (Watlington)01844 351325
St Mary’s Church01844
Stokenchurch Community
Stokenchurch Community TransportMelanie01494 482009
Stokenchurch & Hambleden Valley Children's Centre01494 483140
Stokenchurch Day CentreAlan Purslow07518 738761
Stokenchurch Dental07946
Stokenchurch Educational
Stokenchurch Memorial club01494 482260
Stokenchurch Rainbows01494 485178
Stokenchurch Women's InstituteChristine Day01494 482888
STOPAG (Stokenchurch)Joan01494 483033
TCC201844 292088 / 215680
Thame & District Day Centre01844 212080
Thame & District Lions Club07930 403695
Thame & Wheatley Ramblers01844 213608
Thame Badminton ClubRob Sutton / Jacqui Williams01865 890580 / 01296 747951
Thame Belles WI
Thame Chamber ChoirPeter Smith01844 212900
Thame Choral Society
Thame Concert Band
Thame Digital Camera Club
Thame Duellists Fencing ClubJames Kingston07947 049511
Thame Flower ClubMargaret
Thame Historical SocietyMrs Rosalie Gibson01844 213948
Thame Museum01844 212801
Thame Museum Metal Detecting
Thame National Womens Register01296 614699
Thame Players Theatre Company Ltd01844 217228
Thame Pop ChoirIan English01844 261171
Thame Sinaia Friendship Association01844 215178 / 07764 854949
Thame Speakers Club01844 358189
Thame Women’s Institute Judy Dudley01844 260131
The Chilterns Art Group01844 216882
The Community Centre Studley GreenJan Eedle-Wells01494 882041
The Greatest Hits ChoirCarol Canning
The Princes Risborough Heritage Society01844
The Rotary Club of Thame
Towerhouse Surgery01494 526840
Tuesday Luncheon Club Lane End01494 881261
Watlington Gardening
Wellington House Surgery01844 344281
West Wycombe Combined School01494 523318
West Wycombe Parish Council01494 448048
Whitecross Scottish Country Dancers01494 444537
Wine and Beer Circle (Stokenchurch)01494 484159
Women’s Institute (Stokenchurch)01494 483272
Women’s Institute (West Wycombe)01494 881049
Youth Club (Lane End)01494 452226

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