October 30, 2023
January 3, 2024A New Year means new shows at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre! Whether you love live music, ballet, opera or comedy, January has just the perfect show to start your 2024 in style.
There’s nothing like live music to blow away the cobwebs after the festive season and with UK Pink Floyd Experience (Fri 5 Jan), The Ultimate Classic Rock Show (Sat 13 Jun) and Whitney Queen of the Night (Sun 14 Jan) all in the mix not to mention a unique night out with Meatloaf by Candlelight (Fri 19 Jan), music lover are truly in for a treat!
Ballet lovers and opera enthusiasts will not want to miss Nerubashenko Ballet’s Swan Lake (Tue 16 – Wed17 Jan) and The Nutcracker (Thu 18 Jan), ahead of Ellen Kent opera’s stunning production of Carmen for one night only on Sat 20 Jan.
Finally, some big names are on the horizon for 2024! Stand-up is coming in epic proportions with Tom Allen (Sat 17 Feb), Ed Gamble (Thu 11 Apr), John Bishop’s (Thu 11 Apr), Rhod Gilbert (Wed 12 Jun) and Paul Smith (Thu 7 Nov) to name a few.
The Chiltern Hills are also set to be alive with the sound of music! Legendary front man of The Jam and The Style Council is making a stop at a Town Called Aylesbury next April as Paul Weller arrives (Sat 20 Apr). Not only this but Squeeze are celebrating their 50th anniversary (Tue 5 Nov), Bellowhead bring folk music in their trademark fashion (Sun 10 Nov) and returning following an incredible gig in 2022 are Scouting for Girls (Sat 12 Oct).
Check out the Waterside’s full line-up at atgtickets.com/Aylesbury*.
*Fees apply
Competition Time: Something for young theatre fans!
Northern Ballet presents The Tortoise and the Hare on Tue 27 Feb and we have 4 x tickets to give away to the 4pm performance.
For your chance to win simply answer the following question:
What does the tortoise win in the traditional fable:
- A race
- A chocolate bar
- A holiday to Barcelona
Email Coralie at coralie@chilternviewmagazines.co.uk by Friday 16th Feb 2024.