Have you seen a Hedgehog recently?

Hartwell Nurseries
April 28, 2021
The best reason to get up early
April 28, 2021
Hartwell Nurseries
April 28, 2021
The best reason to get up early
April 28, 2021

Have you seen a Hedgehog recently?

Hedgehogs have declined in numbers by 46% over the last 13 years, due to a range of contributing factors especially urban habitat fragmentation and the general loss of suitable environment.

They are on the recently published first IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature) red list for British mammals at risk of extinction in the next 20 years.

Risborough Environmental Group are interested to know more about the hedgehog’s populations in the Risborough area and hope that you may be able to help.  Please email us with reports of any recent or future sightings and signs over the last year and up to this winter (with details of rough date, location, what you saw etc and maybe even photos!) to regbucks@hotmail.com. We will then have data to consider and recommend habitat and other projects to improve the natural environment for the benefit of these endangered species.

To support hedgehogs, we need to aim to establish and preserve more suitable wildlife habitat for them in the open spaces and gardens of the Risborough area with connectivity or wildlife corridors (hedgehog streets). We can improve access between gardens by keeping gaps under gates and fences. They need space and access to roam widely to forage for food for up to six hours and 2km in a night.

Hedgehogs are insectivores, so the best way to feed hedgehogs would actually be to encourage more insects into your garden. You can do this by leaving some areas a bit wild, planting native plants and shrubs, creating log piles, putting in bug hotels and having fresh water available (ideally a wildlife pond with a ramp for mammals to climb out).

They are nocturnal and only come out at night. Our local wildlife rescue centre Tiggywinkles can help assess if a poorly looking animal out in daytime needs rescuing, so please do call them on 01844 292292 and for more info check their website https://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/hedgehog-fact-sheet/ which lists do’s and don’ts to protect hedgehogs in your garden.


We hope to hear from you with feedback soon! Thanks in advance from Catherine Campbell on behalf of REG

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