Potato and broccoli gratin
February 28, 2019
Ibstone Circle
February 28, 2019Once again its time for 100 local Scouts and Guides to have fun on stage and raise money for YES- Youth Enquiry Service
It is said that somewhere, everyday of every year, a Gang Show is being performed. Sometimes this is in a Scout Hut, a village hall or a local theatre and here in High Wycombe we use the superb facilities of the Lancaster Arts Centre at Wycombe Abbey Girls School.
Now in it’s 33rd year, High Wycombe Scout and Guide Gang Show will be taking place from 10th -13th April.
Our Gang consists of over 100 local members of the Scout and Guide Associations who produce, manage and perform the entire show with a live band having made all their own props and scenery. If you have never been to one of our shows before, let us amaze you with the enthusiasm and talent of our local cast.
Gang Shows have a rich history, from their London show beginnings in 1932 under the direction of Ralph Reader, to shows of today which combine new and original material, popular music and dance with old Gang Show traditions.
We give local members of Girl Guiding and The Scout Association the chance to have lots of fun, make new friends whilst having a go at singing, dancing and acting simple routines on stage in front of a live audience. We are able to give young people the opportunity to become more confident, learn to work as a team, improve co-ordination and gain a whole myriad of personal experiences.
Our show here in High Wycombe is officially recognised by the Scout Association to be of such a high standard that is meets all of the criteria for both on-stage performance and back stage management.
Our amazing group would love to welcome you to our show this year. Come along and enjoy the talent of local youngsters and help them raise money for YES
Join us at the 33rd High Wycombe Gang Show from the 10th-13th April
To find out more visit our website www.highwycombegangshow.co.uk
Contact us: info@highwycombegangshow.co.uk