Where do you hold stress in your body?

January 3, 2023
Beat the January blues
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Beat the January blues
January 3, 2023

Where do you hold stress in your body?

For many of us, we hold it in our shoulders, head, neck, and jaw. Try these tips to help you relieve tension:


#1. Posture
Make sure you are strengthening your postural muscles regularly, bringing your head back over your shoulders, shoulders over your hips – keeping a long, tall spine.

#2. Regular Movement
Helps stretch and lengthen your body and spine to take pressure off your joints. You can do this throughout the day and before and after any further exercise, to help soften the muscles that get tired after a long day.

#3. Work Space
The way you stand, sit, drive or even walk can be impacting your health in ways we can call, ‘difficult habits’. Our posture affects the way we breathe and our health. Osteopathy helps treat the underlying factors such as the instability of the joints and the associated inflammation. Once the pain is reduced, specific exercises and specialised osteopathic techniques are utilised to achieve lasting relief.


Treatment has available:
Soft tissue techniques as well as manipulation and stretching to correct the relevant area in the spine to reduce pain, including Cranial Osteopathy.

Lifestyle modifications;
Improving posture and movement patterns to reduce stress on the body.


David provides together with Osteopathy:
• Prevention Advice
• Acupuncture
• Stretching and strengthening
• Exercise Prescription
• Postural retraining
• Ergonomic & Best Practice assistance


Osteopathy aims to solve pain;
By diagnosing the cause, then using treatment, to facilitate the balance of your tissues.


Best wishes, David

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