July 8, 2020
Create Your Staycation Paradise
July 8, 2020With all my new found time and freedom in what my ‘hoomans’ call ‘lockdown’, I have decided to take up a new hobby. Mummy and Daddy call it ‘gardenin’.
I have decided to dedicate all my time in the lovely sunny weather to making my garden as ‘bootiful’ as possible. The ‘hoomans’, after leaving their jobs to spend all day with me (or at least I think that’s why they’re all here), sometimes help me do my ‘gardenin’.
First of all, my job is to make as many holes in the garden as possible, obviously to make sure there is ‘nofin’ hiding under my dirt. In strategic locations I have got to ‘digin’ as deep as I can, much to the ‘hoomans’ delight. All the ‘digin’ makes me hungry, luckily there are little red balls that drop from the droopy tree that the hooman call ‘chair ees’. I don’t think I am supposed to eat them as everyone keeps ‘shoutin’ at me and trying to take them away. I just can’t help myself though, as they taste super sweet but apparently make my pops super smelly…
Anyway, back to my ‘gardenin’. While i was distracted eatin my ‘chair ees’, the ‘hoomans’ put ‘flowas’ in my purpose dug holes! I was not happy! When the ‘hoomans’ aren’t looking, my favourite thing to do is to eat the petals off the ‘flowas’, not only do they taste good, it also teaches the ‘hoomans’ a lesson, not to fill up my ‘diggin’ holes!
As I was doing more of my ‘diggin’, the ‘hoomans’ got out their biggest weapon… the ‘ose’! This long, snakey, squiggly, rope that squirts out water at super speeds! I have to learn to dodge the ‘ose’ while daddy shoots around me trying to distract me from ‘diggin’ up more holes. Then, after all my dodgin, I really needed a cool down. I charged towards my ‘paddy pool’ and jumped in – “Ah bliss!”. Unfortunately, I was now soaked, so they grabbed the ‘tow ell’ and started wipin down my paws. Once I was clean, they locked me inside and told me I’m banned from doin my ‘gardenin’ because I’m a ‘nitebear’? I hope that’s a good thing!
Kenzo x