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March 1, 2020
What exactly is Pilates?
March 1, 2020A very ‘Happy New Year’ to you all from the RCDG and thank you for helping us make 2019 another very successful year. There are now a total of 30 units installed and registered with South Central Ambulance Service in and around the Princes Risborough area.
The most recent defibrillators installed are:
‘The Three Crowns’ at Askett achieved with funding from the Residents Association and Matthew, Princes Risborough Town Mayor together with help from Charles donating his wall from the Three Crowns.
‘Princes Risborough Tennis Club’ achieved with funding raised through donations by the Princes Risborough Tennis Club Members.
Without your help none of this could have been done, so a big Thank You for the help you have given.
Special thanks go to Princes Risborough Town Council, whose continuing support with funding and administration has enabled us to achieve our goals for 2019.
We would also like to thank our Sponsors, Risboro’ Garage and Princes Risborough Golf Club, who continue to give their support year on year.
Thanks also goes to Geoff Clark, First Responder, who looks after the defibrillator registrations with South Central Ambulance and delivers the ‘Confidence and Awareness’ training sessions, giving as many people as possible the early opportunity to become familiar with the equipment and to feel able to use it should an emergency arise. Geoff also coordinates the monthly reporting to South Central Ambulance for each Defibrillator installed. We are grateful for the ever-growing numbers of Defibrillator Guardians who report every month on the readiness of each Defibrillator to respond so ensuring a ‘Rescue Ready’ availability for everyone.
This year we have had two of the units activated in life threatening situations with one life saved. This shows that these units and training are vital to the Community.
Mark Tubb