The Great British Spring Clean
March 9, 2018
Celebrate the season at Wycombe Swan
March 9, 2018Spring is finally here! The sun is out, and the flowers are starting to bloom – but some things in the garden can be surprisingly dangerous to your pet.
Daffodil bulbs and flowers can cause gastrointestinal upset, dehydration and collapse, so keep a close eye on your dog if he is a known digger. When trimming the hedges and trees, be careful of how you dispose of the clippings – yew, rhododendrum, labernum and laurel can all cause toxicity if eaten. Whilst protecting your plants from pesky critters, be very cautious about the use of pesticides in areas that your pet can access, and ideally avoid entirely the use of slug pellets – curious pets often ingest these, and they can fatal seizures within hours.
Some popular indoor plants can also be dangerous, most notably the lily. All parts of the lily are highly toxic to cats – ingesting just a small amount can cause fatal kidney failure. Very prompt action is required, so please call your vet as soon as possible if you see your cat eating lilies, or see suspicious yellow staining on their fur (from the pollen).
Some springtime animals can pose hazards to your pets also: toads emit a toxin when threatened, which can damage a curious pet’s tongue, and wasp/bee stings can cause swellings and allergic reactions in susceptible animals.
As always, if you have any concerns about your animal’s health, please call 01494 459095 and our friendly, qualified nurses will be able to give you advice over the phone.
Kathryn Miller MRCVS BVSc